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Join us

(1) Join.
Conditions, identify with the platform concept, have love in your heart, participate in platform activities.
Donate 100 yuan to become a volunteer on the platform.
(2) Loving assistance. The 50 yuan is divided into 10 points to help 10 poor families with serious diseases.
(3) Love and help each other. Divide the other 50 yuan into 10 pieces and help 10 loving volunteers.
(4) Love transmission. Through the mobile Internet, we will share, spread and promote the sacred cultural concept of love, so that more people know and recognize, participate in the "Building the Chinese Dream together, happy you, me and him!" Love assistance and mutual assistance transmission, happiness sustainable project. >
(5) Love return. As one sows, so one reaps; as one sows love, so one reaps love.
Every active participation platform < Build the Chinese Dream together, happy you, me and him! Love assistance and mutual assistance transmission, happiness sustainable project. > The platform of love volunteers, are bound to receive love in return.
(6) Re-participation. Each platform love volunteers in the harvest of love after the return, to participate again, and then take out 100 yuan for love assistance and mutual assistance, and then transfer the platform love culture concept. Then mobilize more people to participate. Let love continue, let happiness continue!

Join now


Bank card:

Wang Yaping

Icbc Nanjing branch Hongshan Road branch office

Card number: 6212264301011530035

